About Us

Our company name reflects our team work and strong leadership towards success. We are an owners-managed business where the boss is just a phone call away. Decisions are made on the spot with no red tape or approval chains. While we have the agility and personal service of a smaller company, Imtiaz logistics facilities and systems capabilities match those of any large competitor in our market.

Your demands constantly changes and we know it, you need a logistics partner that can change with it. That means flexible location, flexible labor, an ability to react immediately and with urgency to last-minute or emergency requirements.

Imtiaz Logistics is a specialized with  strong corporate society logistics systems which its primarily objective is to connect the continent in-terms of its production and supply in the region to support the hub in re-construction, rehabilitation and peace keeping in the country, Imtiaz logistic activities focuses on supply and logistics of construction and non construction material throughout the country and continent.

Established in 2009 in Afghanistan, Imtiaz logistics has become one of most competitive companies in the country having local and international branches throughout Afghanistan and  UAE.